bank sentral uni eropa bahasa Inggris
- bank: bank; bench
- bank sentral: central bank; federal reserve system; central
- sentral: telephone exchange; middle; exchange; pivotal;
- uni: union
- uni eropa: european union; member states of the european
- eropa: europe; european; blue mussel; coypu
- bank sentral eropa: european central bank
- dewan bank sentral eropa: ecb board
- sistem bank sentral eropa: european system of central banks
- markas besar bank sentral eropa: seat of the european central bank
- bank sentral: central bank; federal reserve system; central banks; monetary policy
- bank sentral brasil: central bank of brazil
- bank sentral irlandia: central bank of ireland
- bank sentral islandia: central bank of iceland
- bank sentral kenya: central bank of kenya